Let’s celebrate Chinese New Year the eco-friendly way this year! Here are some tips!
Skip Zodiac-cetric and Glue-on Ang Pao
Giving out ang pao is a chinese tradition and it’s inevitable but you can do it the “eco-friendlier” way. Use generic pattern ang pao over zodiac-centric ang pao so you can save the leftovers for next year. Also, choose those slot-in ang pao instea of glue-on ang pao so that those who received your ang pao can also reuse it after taken out the money.
Reduce Food Waste
CNY everyone tends to eat a lot of good food. This year, try to eat sustainably. Donate your surplus food if you think you cannot finish it.
Donate Outgrown Clothes
We will always have some clothes that we can no longer fit or it’s not longer in trend that we don’t like it anymore. What do you do with it? Donate it.
Give A Gift That Gives Back
Shop for gift that carries positive social impact. You are going to buy gift anyway during CNY, why not choose a gift that gives back?
Skip Sky Lanterns
Please do not fly any sky lanterns. First of all, it is fire hazard. The way it flew can be unpredictable and can cause fire easily.
Home visit is definitely a must during CNY. Discuss with friends and family to carpool and reduce carbon footprint.